Region in aws.


When I upload or delete a record in aws s3 with region us-east-1 it works but when I try to generate a presigned Url the url is generated but I'm getting this error in message tag. "The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.". How do I resolve this?

asked 5 years ago2.5K views
2 Answers


This error message is usually received when using the wrong endpoint format or trying to access a bucket which is hosted in a different region than the one specified. Since you are generating a pre-signed URL, an incorrect endpoint format seems less likely. Thus, please check and make sure that the region in which the bucket is hosted and the region that is specified at the time of generating the pre-signed URL are the same.

[] Uploading objects using presigned URLs -

-Vinay K.

answered 4 years ago

You were right! It did work when I changed my region but why didn't I get an error message when I uploaded oe deleted the records with the wrong region?

answered 4 years ago

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