Amazon Linux 2 amazon-linux-extras PHP 8.2 support


Is there a public timeline for adding PHP 8.2 support to AL2's amazon-linux-extras?

PHP 8.1 active support ends in 9 months.

asked 2 years ago708 views
1 Answer

Hello there,

I see that you want to know the public timeline for adding PHP 8.2 support to AL2's amazon-linux-extras repos.

I have checked your concern and unfortunately currently PHP 8.2 support to AL2's amazon-linux-extras is not available yet. However, I can confirm that our internal service team is actively working on enabling PHP 8.2. I have also added your requirement there in the hopes of prioritizing this feature in the near future.

However, I will not be able to provide an ETA of when this feature will be included in future updates. I would suggest you to keep an eye on our What’s New page [1] and our AWS News Blog [2] for latest updates on new releases of AWS services and features.

Hope this helps. Please do let me know if you have any further queries or concerns. Have a great day ahead!!


[1] What’s New page:

[2] AWS News Blog:

answered 2 years ago

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