Unable to SSH into the server - both via browser and Windows Terminal's SSH client


Twice during the past 3 days I have not been able to connect to the Lightsail instance. The metrics tab and brief exploration of the logs on the server do not point to anything that could be leading to connection failures like this. From the metrics tab one can see that the CPU burst capacity is at 100% and the CPU utilization is within the sustainable zone, only once breaching this and moving into the CPU burst zone.

Is there any other metric that can be looked at for easier troubleshooting? In case no such metric is found, would appreciate if troubleshooting methods and workflows are suggested.


asked 10 months ago211 views
1 Answer


Are you seeing a specific error when trying to SSH or just the connection timing out?

You could try rebooting the instance if some downtime while the server gets up and running is acceptable.

You could also try running the free or top command on the server to see if there is potentially some memory issue.


answered 10 months ago
  • Hi Varun, Thanks for your response. While the server is up and running, running top command does not show any potential issues. Are there any stats related to memory that can be accessed? There are two stats/metrics that can be seen currently for lightsail instance.

  • I'm not aware of any Cloudwatch metric for memory for Lightsail instances that are given out of the box.

    Have you tried connecting to the instance on different networks? If its able to connect on a different network, it could be a networking issue rather than something on the host itself.

    Something else you could try is installing CloudWatch agent on the host which can report some additional memory metrics; however, there are some additional costs with generating custom metrics.


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