Regarding AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate


I’m planning to pursue the AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate and need some guidance on preparing for it.

A little about me:

I have over 1,5 years of experience as an AWS developer. I’ve worked with services like SageMaker, Bedrock, Lambda, and I’m familiar with building solutions in AWS. I also have a background in machine learning and general AI concepts.

Specifically, I’d like to know:

What resources would you recommend for preparation? (Books, courses, whitepapers, etc.) If you’ve passed this certification, what was your experience like? Any specific challenges or topics that require extra focus? Are there community study groups or discussion forums where I can collaborate with others preparing for this certification?

asked a month ago102 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

For the AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate certification, given your background, you're already on a good path. Here are some recommendations to help you prepare:


  1. AWS Skill Builder offers an Exam Prep Enhanced Course specifically for this certification. It includes free training courses and additional content like "Collect, Ingest, and Store Data" and "Transform Data" courses, game-based learning, AWS Builder Labs, an official pretest, and exam-style questions.

  2. Take advantage of the AWS Certification exam prep materials, which include:

    • Exam Prep Official Practice Question Set
    • Exam Prep Standard Course
    • Exam Prep Enhanced Course
    • Exam Prep Official Pretest

These resources are designed to increase your confidence and provide a comprehensive preparation experience.

  1. Use AWS Skill Builder for self-paced digital courses and structured learning paths that combine theory with practical exercises. This platform will be your companion throughout your certification journey.

  2. Given your experience with SageMaker, Bedrock, and Lambda, focus on deepening your knowledge of these services, especially in the context of machine learning workflows and deployments.

  3. Review AWS documentation on AI/ML services, focusing on areas where you feel less confident.

Preparation Strategy:

  1. Start by downloading the exam guide and taking a practice assessment. This will help you identify your strengths and areas that need improvement.

  2. Create a focused learning path based on the results of your practice assessment and the exam guide.

  3. Set a target date for your exam to stay motivated and create a deadline for your preparation.

  4. Engage in hands-on practice with AWS services, especially those related to machine learning and AI. Real-world application of concepts is crucial for this certification.

  5. Stay updated on the latest AWS AI/ML services and features, as they may be included in the exam.

Community and Collaboration: While I don't have specific information about study groups for this certification, you can:

  1. Join AWS-related forums and communities on platforms like Reddit or Stack Overflow.
  2. Participate in AWS user groups in your area or online.
  3. Engage with the AWS Machine Learning community through AWS events or webinars.

Remember, the goal is not just to pass the exam but to develop expertise that enables you to deliver real-world solutions. Good luck with your certification journey!
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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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