Soft Bounce rate? points


Dear Amazon,

Our bounce rate is currently 0.1% what is way to high accoording to your standard.

The Bouncetype for most of them are "Transient" and with Bouncesubtype "General". How many days does it take for "General" Bouncesubtype to become hardbounce? and how many % point will the bounce rate gain.

What is the % point weight of: Bouncetype "Transient" bouncesubtype "General" Bouncetype "Undetermind" bouncesubtype "Undetermind" Bouncetype "Permanent" bouncesubtype "General"

Thanks in advance!

With kind regards,

asked a year ago303 views
1 Answer

In general, "General" bounces are typically considered "soft" bounces and may be retried automatically by email servers for a certain period of time before being classified as "hard" bounces. The specific timing can vary, but a common time frame is around 5 days. Once a bounce is classified as "hard," it will typically not be retried, and future emails to that address will bounce immediately.

As for the percentage weight of different types of bounces, this can also vary depending on factors such as your sending volume and email list quality. However, as a general rule, "Transient" bounces are often considered less severe than "Permanent" bounces, and "Undetermined" bounces may be more difficult to categorize or diagnose.

To improve your bounce rate, you may want to consider reviewing your email list quality and ensuring that you have accurate and up-to-date subscriber information. Additionally, reviewing your email content and ensuring that it complies with best practices can also help improve deliverability.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.

answered a year ago

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