Trusted Advisor Organizations for multiple organizations



Has anyone had any success deploying the Trusted Advisor Organization ( along with the automated data collection ( )? I've been successful in deploying it to one organization, but I'm curious if anyone has had any success deploying it across multiple organizations and consolidating the results into one QuickSight dashboard. I'm wondering what approaches folks have taken to deal with multi-orgs.


2 Answers

You can drop reports from other payers to the same (central) s3 bucket and TAO dashboard will pick it up. That should be the easiest way.

Also check out Cloud Intelligence Dashboards from below link.

answered 3 years ago
  • I tried that approach. When I put all the results in one bucket and rerun my Glue crawler, it creates additional tables. This prevents QS from displaying the results. It looks like the schemas are different, which is confusing because I'm deploying the same stack across all my acounts/orgs.

  • @AWS-User-6816458 have you checked the tables schemas? can you confirm they are different?

    you could try to create a prefix structure by account, and see if the crawler catch it as partitions of the same table.


I'm so sorry about that link you have is outdated. Here is the new guide;

The guide will walk you through how to support multiple payers into the same bucket.

answered 3 years ago

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