Lightsail instance timing out


I'm currently unable to connect to my Lightsail instance, either via the domain in a browser or by SSHing into it, in both cases it times out. It did this on its own, no changes were made. I've tried rebooting the instance, and obviously I can't get into it to find any problem... Any thoughts?

asked 4 years ago2182 views
3 Answers

Not answered, clearly, but problem seems to have resolved on its own after 3/4 days of the instance being inaccessible.

answered 4 years ago

In order to prevent this from happening again in the future, I recommend checking on your instance CPU and memory usage. You can view this data on the metrics tab of the instance management page. Sometimes, if an instance has too much usage, attempts to connect with SSH may timeout. It may also be worthwhile to double check your networking settings (on the networking tab of the instance management page) and the SSH settings on your instance.

answered 4 years ago

Hello, I'm wondering if you know what the status code of the time out error was? I'm facing a similar issue, but I'm getting a 519 connection error.

answered 4 years ago

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