Hello AWS Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently facing some challenges during my MySQL to PostgreSQL migration on Amazon RDS. I have followed several steps to set up the migration process, and I'm encountering an issue I can't seem to resolve. Here is a detailed overview of what I've done so far:
- Creation Method: Standard Create
- Engine Type: MySQL
- Engine Version: MySQL 8.0.33
- Template: Free Tier
- Database Instance Identifier: sourceDB
- Master Username: admin
- Instance Configuration: Burstable classes - db.t3.micro
- Storage Type: gp2 - 20 GiB
- Storage Auto Scaling: Disabled
- Public Access: Yes
- Creation Method: Standard Create
- Engine Type: PostgreSQL
- Engine Version: PostgreSQL 15.4-R1
- Template: Free Tier
- Database Instance Identifier: targetDB
- Master Username: postgres
- Instance Configuration: Burstable classes - db.t3.micro
- Storage Type: gp2 - 20 GiB
- Storage Auto Scaling: Disabled
- Public Access: Yes
- Performance Insights: Turned Off
- Enhanced Monitoring: Disabled
- Name: RIForMigration
- Instance Class: dms.t3.micro
- High Availability: Production Workload (Multi-AZ)
- Storage: 50GiB
- Source Endpoint Name: sourceDB, Engine: MySQL
- Target Endpoint Name: targetDB, Engine: PostgreSQL
- Task Identifier: DMTask
- Replication Instance: RIForMigration
- Source Database Endpoint: sourceDB
- Target Database Endpoint: targetDB
- Migration Type: Migrate Existing Data
Despite following these steps, the migration task's status remains "Ready." When I attempted to test the endpoint connection for the target endpoint, I received the following error message:
Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: Cannot connect to ODBC provider. Network error has occurred, Application-Detailed-Message: RetCode: SQL_ERROR SqlState: 08001 NativeError: 101 Message: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgre", database "postgre", no encryption.
I have also tried using PostgreSQL version 14.7-R1, but the issue persists. Initially, when I tested the connection for the source endpoint, it was successful, but after some time, it started showing an error related to SSL.
Please note that currently I'm in N.Virginia Region and I'm using the same security group everywhere that allows all incoming traffic.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue and successfully completing the migration. Your expertise is highly valued.
Thank you for your time and support.
Best regards,
Vamsi Siddhani
"Thank you very much, @Didier_Durand! Your solution worked for me."