Bug: Pinpoint project is not shown in Cognito settings if region is not US


I've created Cognito user pool and Pinpoint project both in eu-central-1. When I go to "Cognito -> General Settings -> Analytics -> Add analytics and campaigns" and try to add analytics and user campaigns to user pool, I can't select the Pinpoint project from the drop down list, it just shows "No results found". If I create a Pinpoint project in us-east-1 it appears in the drop down list.

This seems to be a Cognito bug, it only scans Pinpoint projects created in us-east for the dropdown list.

Where can I report this bug?

asked 5 years ago447 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Currently, Cognito userpools can only use Pinpoint projects in the us-east-1 region as mentioned here [1]. Unfortunately, there are no workarounds and the only option would be to create your Pinpoint projects within the us-east-1(N. Virginia) and associate them with a userpool in eu-central-1 region.

Our internal team is aware of this issue and an internal ticket has been created to track it. While we understand how important this issue is to our customers, we are not able to provide you with an estimated arrival time for it or any other details at the moment. Please keep an eye on our forums [2] as well as our what's new blog [3] for news regarding new feature releases.


[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-regional-data-considerations.html
[2] http://forums.aws.amazon.com/index.jspa
[3] https://aws.amazon.com/new/

answered 5 years ago

Thank you for your detailed response vismayataws!

What if I manually send these events to Pinpoint from my mobile app using AWS SDK [1]:


Would that be sufficient to replace what Cognito does when interacting to Pinpoint? I am not interested in sharing user data to Pinpoint for targeting, I am only interested in tracking user pool sign-ups, sign-ins, failed authentications, daily active users (DAUs) and monthly active users (MAUs).

[1] https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/android/analytics#authentication-events

answered 5 years ago

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