Does Route53 bill based on useage or is it a service I'm subscribed to?


I had teased the idea of migrating my client domains over to Route53 to manage DNS over the summer and imported a bunch of zone files (18 in total).

I ended up going with a different service provider for DNS management, but I'm still getting billed ~$10/month for Route 53. I have double-checked and none of my client domains have their name servers set to Amazon.

So my exact question is this:

Is Route53 a subscription service that I unknowingly signed-up for and that's why I'm getting billed, or do I (unknowingly) have a domain using Route53 and I'm getting billed for useage?

asked 5 months ago191 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

No it’s not subscription based but per resource.

Route 53 bill you on a per zone per month and per X queries.

Ensure you have no zones configured which you no longer need.

If you have setup inbound or outbound resolvers you will Also be charged for having them configured.

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