Access Timestream table data from Redshift



What is the easiest way of accessing data held in a Timestream table from a provisioned Redshift cluster (e.g. to run SQL queries against this table and combine this with other data stored with Redshift itself)?

Can I use a federated query for this? I am assuming Spectrum is not suitable in this case as the data isn't held in S3.


asked a year ago522 views
1 Answer


You will need to run the queries using Amazon Athena as Redshift can´t access TimeStream. You will need to setup Athena to TimeStream connector and Athena to Redshift connector.

Link with the corresponding documentation:


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Yes, the Athena TimeStream connector is probably the right way to go to extract the data that you need before processing it.

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