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the error "Handler 'handler' missing on module 'routes/file_name'" indicates that AWS Lambda cannot find the specified handler in the given module.
to resolve the "Handler 'handler' missing on module 'routes/file_name'" error, follow these steps:
- Check your serverless.yml file to ensure the handler is specified correctly (e.g., routes/yourFile.handler).
- Verify the handler functions are correctly exported in their respective files (e.g., routes/file_name.py).
- Inspect the generated package in the .serverless directory to ensure the file structure and required files are present.
- Try creating a new virtual environment, reinstall your dependencies, and redeploy your serverless application.
- Roll back to the previous working versions of the Serverless Framework, Node.js, or other dependencies, and redeploy.
These steps should help you identify and fix the issue causing your Lambda functions to break in production.
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