Cloning Lightsail Instance


When I create a snapshot of an instance in Lightsail which is currently running and properly functioning, and then proceed to create a new instance from that snapshot, I am unable to connect to the new instance. When attempting to connect to the new instance using the browser-based SSH client, all I see is 'Connecting to your instance...' and then a completely blank screen with no functionality. The specs of the new instance are identical to those of the original one. I receive no errors, and the Lightsail console shows the new instance as 'running'.

I've made sure the new instance has SSH enabled on port 22: SSH / TCP / 22 Any IPv4 address Lightsail browser SSH/RDP

The original instance which I can connect to is on a static IP, and is running: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 512 MB RAM, 2 vCPUs, 20 GB SSD

Thank you!

Ryan E
asked 24 days ago102 views
1 Answer

Hi Ryan E,

Follow the below steps to trouble shoot your issue.

Check Snapshot: Make sure the snapshot of your original instance was made correctly. If unsure, try creating a new snapshot and use that.

Instance Status: Verify that the new instance is fully up and running. Sometimes it needs a few minutes to boot up completely.

Security Settings: Ensure the new instance's security settings allow SSH connections on port 22. Go to the Networking tab in the Lightsail console to check this.

SSH Keys: Make sure the correct SSH key is associated with the new instance. Lightsail usually handles this automatically.

Check Logs: Look at the system logs for the new instance in the Lightsail console. Logs can show errors or issues during startup.

Use External SSH Client: Instead of the browser SSH, try using an external SSH client like PuTTY (for Windows) or the terminal (for Mac/Linux). Use this command in your terminal:

ssh -i /path/to/your/lightsail/key.pem ubuntu@<new_instance_public_ip>

Replace /path/to/your/lightsail/key.pem with the path to your SSH key and <new_instance_public_ip> with your new instance's IP.

Reboot Instance: Sometimes a simple reboot can fix the issue. Reboot the instance from the Lightsail console.

Recreate Instance: If nothing works, delete the new instance, create a new snapshot of your original instance, and launch a new instance from this new snapshot.

answered 24 days ago
  • Pandurangaswamy, Thanks for your quick reply. I've followed your suggestions, but still have the same issue.

    • The snapshots created at 'Instances' > 'Snapshots' have shown no indication of errors.
    • The instance created from the snapshot has been 'running' for over 2 hours without allowing me SSH access.
    • The new instance allows SSH on port 22.
    • I'm using the default SSH key in the same way I use it for the original instance that was used to create the snapshot.
    • There is no way for me to check the instance logs, as I cannot connect.
    • Connecting via an SSH client gives "Connection timed out".
    • Reboots and recreations have not worked

    -Metrics shows an instance failure, but I don't know how to diagnose this.

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