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Amazon Connect will not claim a phone number - no way to contact support


I just created an Amazon Connect instance, went through the wizard and cannot select a phone number. It gives a list and gives an error that it cannot claim a phone number and try again. I deleted the instance of connect, created a new one and tried again, and still cannot claim a phone number. It says to contact support, but with "basic support" there is no way to contact support even when there is a service error occurring like this on a brand new instance. I am not signing up for support simply to say "your product does not work from the very start". That is not something I'd expect to pay for support for.

What do I do? I'll wait a day and retry I guess. There should be a way to report an account problem such as this that is present from the very start of your evaluation of a service.

asked a year ago495 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You more than likely need to open a quota increase which is "free" to do. There are two quotas you might want to request. Amazon Connect instance count and Phone numbers per instance. Provide your instance ARN and wait a day or two and you should be good to go. Good luck.


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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • ok Thanks, I found that option eventually on my own and asked for an increaser from 0 to 1. Does it really start you with a 0 quota on each new instance but not inform you of that? It says I have a limit of 5 phone numbers and 2 instances already.

  • No, I believe the default is 2, but don’t quote me. But I have seen that if you start more than one instance quotas seem to change on the additional instances. The whole quote process for Connect is a mess and no way to track your quotas without opening a case with AWS.


Which region and country are you trying to claim numbers for? It is possible that we do not support specific countries. Have you checked the country coverage list? Check the coverage by following the link in the administration document:

answered a year ago

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