How to view email send/open history



Using SES, I have created a Configuration Set and added CloudWatch as a destination.

I have created two custom Metrics, User and Type. I have also selected to track opens and clicks. I have added the configuration set name and the metric values to my email header.

When I go to CloudWatch I select Metrics and then SES and I see some emails listed here. My question is: how can I see a graph or chart showing how many emails of each 'Type' were opened each day for the last 30 days? I can't figure this out. Thank you.

1 Answer

To view a graph or chart showing how many emails of each 'Type' were opened each day for the last 30 days using Amazon SES and CloudWatch, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, select "Metrics"

  3. In the "All metrics" tab, choose "SES"

  4. Look for the custom metric "Type" that you created. Select it.

  5. Choose the specific "Type" values you want to graph (e.g., if you have different types like "newsletter", "promotion", etc.)

  6. In the graph view, you can customize the time range to show the last 30 days

  7. To show daily data points, you may need to adjust the period to "1 day" in the graph options

  8. To specifically show opens, make sure you're selecting the "Open" event type in your metrics

If you're not seeing the data as expected, double-check that:

  • Your Configuration Set is correctly set up with CloudWatch as the destination
  • The custom metrics (User and Type) are properly configured
  • The Configuration Set name and metric values are correctly added to your email headers
  • You've been sending emails with these settings for the time period you're trying to view

If you need more detailed or customized views, you can use CloudWatch's advanced features like metric math or create custom dashboards. You can also export the data for further analysis if needed.

Remember that Amazon SES recently extended the duration for accessing engagement metrics in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard to 60 days, which might provide an alternative or complementary way to view your email performance data.
Step 3: Graph Email Sending Events - Amazon Simple Email Service
Amazon SES now offers 60 days of metric history in Virtual Deliverability Manager

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answered 3 months ago

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