Request for Assistance with Amazon ElastiCache Redis UNCERTAIN_STATE Issue


During a specific timeframe, we noticed that our application logs indicated the status of our Amazon ElastiCache Redis cluster as UNCERTAIN_STATE.

As a workaround to restore functionality, we performed a reboot of the ElastiCache nodes in both instances. It is worth noting that even the redis flushall command was ineffective until the nodes were rebooted.

We need assistance in investigating the root cause of this UNCERTAIN_STATE status [ whether it's an underlying infrastructure or corrupted data or connection release ] and providing guidance on preventing such occurrences in the future.

Note: The connected_clients value was 71 when the issue had occurred.

asked a year ago335 views
1 Answer


Thank you for using ElastiCache.

To answer your question, we require details that are non-public information i.e details that are specific to your AWS account and would need more details on your setup. Hence, please open a support case with AWS using the following link

answered a year ago

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