AWS Toolkit for JetBrains no IAM credentials linked when using IAM Identity Center


GoLand 2023.1.4 with AWS Toolkit 1.72-231

I've created a connection using my IAM Identity Center start URL and successfully connected (Pic 1)

However, the Explorer panel shows an error message "No IAM credentials linked" (Pic 2) and the status bar connection selector shows "AWS: No credentials selected" (Pic 3)

This feels like a bug but I haven't found anything about it in Google. Of course, I could have missed something obvious?

Pic 1 Successful connection

Pic 2 Explorer panel screenshot

Pic 3 Status bar message

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Am I correct in my understanding that you are setting it up according to the method in this document?

I think you need to create an issue on GitHub if you think there is a possible bug.

Perhaps this issue here may be relevant.

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answered a year ago

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