Is it possible to install Drupal 7 on Lightsail instead of 9.4.9-2?


Is it possible to install Drupal 7 on Lightsail instead of 9.4.9-2? I don't see the option available to do that.

If yes, how to do that?

asked 2 years ago320 views
1 Answer

Drupal 7 end of life, set for November 2023. But still if you want you can install it manually on a Light Sail instance. Luang

  1. Install the LAMP Stack :
  2. Then follow from the step 2 :

while installing if you get any errors let me know

profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • Ok, but then I would create the machine using the version 9.4.9-2 + OS? Or I just get the machine with OS and then do the manual installation? Do you have any recommendation? Any suggestion regarding which OS I should pick in case of the second option? Thanks

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