Can't see my D drive


I have created a new Streaming URL for my existing user ID (BluAge-L3-Workshop-User), but I am facing an issue where I cannot see my D Drive anymore. The data that was previously accessible on the D drive is not visible now and datas were not there , even though the user ID has remained the same.I have also restarted my fleet.

Could you guide me on what could be the issue or suggest additional steps I should take to resolve this?

3 Answers

The issue you're experiencing with the missing D drive and data after creating a new streaming URL is a common problem in AppStream 2.0, especially when working on workshops like the BluAge L3 Workshop. Here are some potential causes and steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Verify User ID: Double-check that you're using the exact same User ID (BluAge-L3-Workshop-User) when creating the new streaming URL. Even a slight difference in the User ID can result in a new, clean session without your previous data.

  2. Check S3 Bucket: Your user settings and files are typically stored in S3 buckets. Look for buckets with names starting with "appstream2-app-settings-" and "appstream2-" respectively. Ensure your AppStream configuration has access to these buckets.

  3. Examine S3 Contents: Navigate to the S3 bucket path (similar to s3://appstream-app-settings-[region]-[account-id]/Windows/[version]/Server-2019/BluAge-L3-Workshop-Stack/custom/). You may see multiple keys corresponding to different stack instances. Keep only the key with the largest sized Profile.vhdx file and carefully delete the others.

  4. Restart Session: After verifying the above steps, try restarting your AppStream session again.

  5. Check IAM Permissions: Ensure that the IAM roles associated with your AppStream instance have the necessary permissions to access the D drive and related storage.

  6. Review Storage Configuration: Verify that the storage configuration for your AppStream instance is correctly set up, including any storage volumes or attachments required for accessing the D drive.

If these steps don't resolve the issue, you may need to contact AWS support for further assistance, as there might be specific configurations or limitations in your AppStream 2.0 environment causing this problem.

Remember that in AppStream 2.0, only data stored in D:/PhotonUser is typically persisted between sessions. If you stored data outside this directory, it may not be synchronized with the S3 bucket and could be lost when the session ends.

APPSTREAM 2.0 Error loading user settings and accessing D: Drive | AWS re:Post
AWS BluAge AppStream - workspace folder disappeared due to streaming URL expired | AWS re:Post
Appstream: Original Appstream link is expired after 7 days, Application Persistent storage is active, New appstream link doesnt show the workspace in D:\ and configuration is reset. | AWS re:Post

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 10 days ago

It appears that you used a different User ID while creating the previous and recent Streaming URLs. The Appstream handles these two streams for distinct users. If you remember your User ID from before, simply enter it again. Otherwise, navigate to the S3 bucket where you previously uploaded the virtual hard disk (start with appstream-app-settings-eu-central-1-something) and copy it to the new user's folder(a newly created folder under appstream-app-settings-eu-central-1-857793271416-egosci1i/ Windows/ v6/ Server-2019/ BluAge-L3-Workshop-Stack-Dec24/ custom/). Good luck

profile pictureAWS
answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 10 days ago

Good afternoon Santhiya,

The problem you described can happen when the disk is full. To investigate further, could you please check the available disk space? If the disk is indeed full, you may need to increase its size. You can follow the instructions in our documentation:

Best regards, Marcos Daniel

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 days ago

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