Change phone number error


As I was trying to create the AWS account, once selected the country and entered my phone number I got the following error: The phone number provided is not valid or incorrectly formatted. We do not accept toll-free numbers. Please use a different phone number. My phone number is from Colombia.

  • Any update on this? I'm having the same issue.

asked a year ago1599 views
2 Answers

Hi, Same here... my phone number is valid.

"When you are setting up your account, we recommend you use a phone number where you can be contacted within the next few minutes to complete account sign-up."

Sorry, not sure what it means

answered 10 months ago


When you are setting up your account, we recommend you use a phone number where you can be contacted within the next few minutes to complete account sign-up.

For more information, visit What should I do if I didn't receive a call from AWS to verify my new account or the PIN I entered doesn't work?.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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