What are the topics modeled in Amazon Comprehend?


Hi, I'm looking for a list of topics (classifications) available when using the topic detection API call: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/topic-modeling.html The idea is to understand the breadth of the default service without going into custom classification to begin with.


asked a year ago386 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The topic detection feature in Amazon Comprehend does not include any predefined topics or classifications. Instead, it is intended to detect the topics in a set of documents you provide, with no prior knowledge required. If you're looking to classify your text into predefined categories, you might want to consider Amazon Comprehend's custom classification feature. With custom classification, you can create a model that classifies your documents according to the categories that you define. But I have added a link below https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-comprehend-examples this link can provide good resources on Amazon comprehend including a workshop

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answered a year ago

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