Not able to login to AWS Builder - Need help resetting password



AWS builder is deprecating Amazon login after 31st Jan 2024. Only option is to use AWS Builder now but I lost the password. So I'm trying to recover the password of AWS builder.

I got reset password mail but it asks me to connect to phone using bluetooth and use Passkey for further security. I'm able to connect to my phone but getting error in my phone "there aren't any key for on this device".

How to get passkey for aws on my phone?

Please help.


2 Answers

This sounds like you have registered a Passkey as an MFA device in your account. If you still have access to this device, please retry the process there. If you don't have access to this (MFA) device anymore, you can create a support ticket. See here for more information ("I'm still looking to solve my problem").

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Thanks for the response Michael!

Funny thing is that I never registered Passkey as MFA. Long ago I created builder ID account but never used it (because I always used Amazon account to login).

Sent mail to the skill buiilder team and they are investigating for last 2 days. Still waiting...

answered a year ago

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