How can i import an .xlsx File located in S3 Bucket in my quicksight?


Is it possible? Because in this file it says that the only valid file formats are csv and json. But when i upload the file directly .xlsx is allowed. Please help. Thank you

asked 3 years ago5189 views
2 Answers


Currently you can import .xlsx files only from a local or a network shared drive, not from S3.

If you have excel files in S3 and you want to still create a dataset from them you could look at a solution like the one described in this blog post.

hope this helps

answered 3 years ago

There are two ways to do this, the easy way and the scalable way.

The Easy Way

Save your XLS as a CSV. Go into QuickSight datasets, click add data, click upload file. Done.

The Scalable Way

Convert your XLS to CSV. Put it into a designated S3 bucket. Run a Glue crawler on that bucket to create a table in Athena. Go into QuickSight, give it permissions to read from that bucket, click add data, add a datasource for Athena, find your table, and click save.

answered 2 years ago

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