Sudden reboot of t2.small EC2 Instance Sept 5 2024 12:51 UTC


Hi there,

is there any possible explanations for why my t2.small EC2 instance (located in eu-central-1a) was suddenly rebooted today around 12:51 UTC? Any known incidents?

After the reboot, the server keys were regenerated, and the authorized keys file was modified. I was still able to log in by disabling host key verification.

Thank you.

asked 5 days ago22 views
1 Answer


Reason might be:

  1. The underlying hardware that's hosting your instance is faulty, and Amazon EC2 restarts the instance to move it to a new, healthy hardware. (unplanned). If any issues AWS will sent Notice soon via PHD notice.
  2. Scheduled maintenance occurs on your instance that initiates a reboot. (planned) (Check PHD notice)
  3. A user or application inside your server reboots the instance.
  4. A user or other serive which using IAM role reboot the instance using AWS API. To check use cloud trail.

Ref: [+]

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answered 5 days ago
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reviewed 4 days ago
  • Thank you for your quick response! This seems more related to the reboot question, right? I couldn’t find any PHD notices or anything relevant in the CloudTrail logs. But thank you very much for the tips. What about the rewritten key files?

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