AWS SSO SCIM API pagination for methods


I'm using the AWS Single Sign-On SCIM implementation API for and integration of AWS SSO with Google workspace, the project is here: and I also contributed in the AWS original one: which is not active anymore.

The integration I did is working fine until you don't have more than 50 users of 50 groups in the AWS SSO service. That is because you have several limitations on the AWS SSO SCIM API implementation, described here

so, the question is:

When do you be able to allow the pagination for the ListGroups and ListUsers endpoints?

this API have some time already published and we are waiting so long for this feature.

asked 3 years ago746 views
1 Answer

We launched fully paginated AWS standard APIs for managing users and groups at scale in AWS IAM Identity Center.

answered 2 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 5 months ago
  • Above link won't provide enough information to use pagination.

  • I agree above link is not showing information regarding pagination . I'm in the similar situation , I have more than 5000 users in my account , can you someone please share updated SCIM API

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