Linux kernel source used in Amazon provided Ubuntu AMI?


I'm running a bare metal EC2 instance with the Ubuntu AMI provided by Amazon. I have a need to change one of the CONFIG_XXXX parameters that can be set when compiling the Linux kernel. Other than that I'd like the kernel to be exactly the same, because I don't know what extras/modifications are necessary to work on AWS bare metal hardware (I assume Amazon applies some custom patches). How/where can I download the sources?

asked a year ago423 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Amazon does not provide the Ubuntu image. The best Ubuntu image to use is provided by Canonical (makers of Ubuntu). The following link provides information about their image and verifying that you are using the Canonical Official image.

Ownership verification
Users can verify that an AMI was published by Canonical by ensuring the OwnerId field of an image is 099720109477 (in the default partition). For the GovCloud partition, the OwnerId field is 513442679011. For the China partition, the OwnerId field is 837727238323. This ID is stored in SSM and is discoverable by running:
aws ssm get-parameters --names /aws/service/canonical/meta/publisher-id
With the value returned by that command, users can then run the describe-images command against an AMI ID and verify the OwnerId field matches the above ID:
aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids $AMI_ID
Note that listings on the AWS Marketplace will always show the OwnerId as Amazon (e.g. 679593333241). In these cases, users can verify the Amazon ID and look for aws-marketplace/ubuntu in the ImageLocation field.

The following link provides some information on using Custom Kernels on EC2 and how to get started from an existing image that is close to what you need.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed a year ago

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