RDS Aurora Query Editor - Error loading Saved Queries - "The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type undefined"


When I try to access the Saved Queries I receive an error. No error when I Run Query or access Recent Queries. I can save a query, but of course error prevents me from retrieving it. This is a recent error, within the last 2 weeks.

asked 2 years ago392 views
1 Answer

Good day, you mentioned that you are struggling to access your saved queries and that it is giving you an error. A possible reason for your error at the time you had received it could have been due to a bug on the console that made the query editor crash when the user does not add a Description in the Description field of their query/queries. Which means that the issue occurred when the Description option was left blank. AWS support can always help and investigate further if you are still encountering the same issue.

For the best results and best practices when using the query editor refer to the documentation [1].

For further help on troubleshooting your issue you may open a case with AWS Premium Support [2].


[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/query-editor.html

[2] https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/

answered 2 years ago

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