EC2 account billing generated without using the instance


Hi Amazon Customer Support Team,

I have created Amazon Free Trail account for Learning Purpose. With these credentials.

Account ID :160338189014 Account name : Madhusudhan Kasarapu But, unfortunately the EC2 account billing generated without using the instance. Just created Learning purpose only. I have not used any thing in that instance. Please do disable the billing and remove the services on-demand for this account.

asked a year ago215 views
2 Answers


You can find the active services of your AWS account by using the methods in the following document.
Once you find an active service, you can stop incurring charges by deleting or stopping it.

I would have to look at the invoice in detail, but if there are any EBS snapshots, etc. left over, a charge may be incurred.
EC2 also charges a fee if you use an instance type that is not eligible for the free tier.

profile picture
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • EC2 instance created and not terminated. it was just created for training purposes.

  • It is possible that the EC2 instance type you are using is not eligible for the free tier. The free tier of instance types is for t2.micro instances (t3.micro in regions where t2.micro is not available), which instance type does your EC2 use?


I have used Linux t2.medium Instance for this free tier account. free tier of instance types Linux t2.medium Instance got charged for the instance

answered a year ago

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