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Migrated domain to AWS and DNS not working in many places


We migrated to Amazon AWS and the DNS records are all setup, but its been over a week now and many places (specifically xfinity) still cannot see the DNS records. If I check I can clearly see that the DNS records for the domain look like they dont exist.

I fear something has gone wrong during the migration. Can anyone easily see some simple issue that has occured?

2 Answers

Looks like you have the wrong GLUE records on your domain vs your Route53 Name Servers. When you create a Domain in route53 it automaticlly creates a zone. You may have created a new zone which will have different NS records

Your current defined name servers are

Which I believe are incorrect.

In Route53, you need to check your name servers (NS) and update them

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answered 25 days ago
  • The domain registrar (which is also Amazon) has the same name servers listed as those in the details of the hosted zone.

  • Can you share a screen shot please? Is it a PUBLIC Zone also?

  • It looks like it may have been a DNSSEC record that must have been a carryover from the migration. We removed it and it has started working. Thank you for your responses.

  • That would have been my next point of call. Yup DNSSEC would cause that too. Glad it’s working.


Based on the information provided, it appears that you're experiencing issues with DNS propagation after migrating your domain to AWS. This is a common problem that can occur during domain transfers or DNS changes. Here are a few potential reasons and solutions for your situation:

  1. Propagation delay: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate globally. However, since it's been over a week in your case, this is likely not the primary issue.

  2. Nameserver configuration: Ensure that the nameservers (NS records) at your domain registrar exactly match those provided by AWS Route 53. Any discrepancy can prevent proper DNS resolution.

  3. Hosted zone setup: Verify that you've created a new hosted zone in Route 53 and properly recreated all necessary DNS records. If the previous owner deleted the hosted zone associated with the domain, you need to set this up correctly.

  4. Glue records: Make sure you've updated the glue records to point your domain to the new Route 53 nameservers.

  5. TTL values: Check the Time-to-Live (TTL) values on your DNS records. Lower TTL values can help speed up propagation, but some resolvers may cache information for longer periods.

  6. Multiple hosted zones: If you have multiple hosted zones with the same name, ensure you're updating the correct one and that the domain registration is using the correct nameservers.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Use tools like dig or nslookup to verify that the new NS records are propagating correctly.
  2. Double-check all DNS records in your Route 53 hosted zone for accuracy.
  3. Verify that your domain registration details are correct and that you've confirmed any necessary verification emails from ICANN.

If you've verified all these points and are still experiencing issues, it may be worth contacting AWS Support under the "Account and Billing" category for further assistance with your domain transfer and DNS configuration.

transferred domain name not recognized after waiting for about a week | AWS re:Post
my domain is not working with aws. | AWS re:Post
DNS not propagating after domain migration from one aws account to another | AWS re:Post
I changed DNS settings, but they haven't taken effect - Amazon Route 53

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

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