Bandwidth for EC2-S3 Data Transfer


The EC2-S3 bandwidth seems to be 100 Gbps based on this article: What's the maximum transfer speed between Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3?.

However, it appears to be 25 Gbps based on this article in 2018: The Floodgates Are Open – Increased Network Bandwidth for EC2 Instances

Has there been an update on transfer speeds, between 2018 and 2021? Also, for maximum transfer speeds, does it only apply when enhanced networking is properly enabled / configured? i.e. is the Network performance of the specific EC2 instance a limiting factor?

asked 2 years ago827 views
1 Answer

Hello Nathaniel,

The transfer speeds for copying, moving, or syncing data from Amazon EC2 to Amazon S3 depends on several factors. The following methods are best practices for improving the transfer speed when you copy, move, or sync data between an EC2 instance and an S3 bucket:

  • Use enhanced networking on the EC2 instance.
  • Use parallel workloads for the data transfer.
  • Customize the upload configurations on the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  • Use an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint for Amazon S3.
  • Use S3 Transfer Acceleration between geographically distant AWS Regions.
  • Upgrade your EC2 instance type.
  • Use chunked transfers.

See this Knowledge center article

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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