Adding markup to FAQ answers


When you upload FAQ documents, can you use markup within the Answer column in order to control how answers are formatted when displayed as part of a Lex Response? For example, is there a way to include a hyperlink within an Answer so that it is active in a Response?


I found a FAQ question for you: ((x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-question_answer-question-1)) and the answer is ((x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-question_answer-answer-1)).

Answer: Just click on the link.

If I'm using the example Response given here with the example answer given here, is there a way to enter 'link' in the Answer so that it will be active when displayed as a Response within Lex?

asked 3 years ago435 views
2 Answers

Kendra supports multiple document types so you might want to pick the appropriate document type such as HTML to support formatting

answered 3 years ago

Hi there!

Lex currently does not support Markup in the responses.

If you would like Lex to surface a document link, you could use the request attribute : x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-document-link-<N>

Please see here for how to produce Kendra responses in Lex:

answered 3 years ago

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