Video On Demand Website on Amazon LightSail


Hello, Can I build a video on demand website with standard acrchitecture like S3 bucket for video file upload, Amazon Elemental, Lambda, destination bucket... And have my EC2 instance launched on LightSail? Or I should launch the EC2 Instance on a VPC and install Wordpress manually? Thank you

asked 3 years ago422 views
1 Answer

Hi Aman,

AWS lightsail is just a high level wrapper round Ec2, If you are going to use more AWS services that aren't supported via Lightsail then I would recommend sticking completely with Ec2 directly.

answered 3 years ago
  • Hi Oisian, Thank you for the reply. The services I am going to use are - S3 for video/audio upload, Lambda to invoke Amazon Elemental, Destination bucket for processed video, and may be Cloudwatch. But still not sure if these services are supported with LightSail.

  • Hi Oisian, AS I gave it more thought, the LightSail instance will just pull videos/audios from the destination S3 bucket. All the Amazon Elemental, Lambda and everything will work independently from the instance to process the audios and videos. What is your suggestion. Thank you for your time.

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