Lambda Unknown Error cannot create or List


In my AWS Environment when I go to Lambda, repeatedly Unknown Error comes at the start screen as well as Functions screen. I cannot see the list of my already created functions or can I create a new function. In create function at last step of submit Unknown Error comes.

I have changed to all regions and checked already. Error persists. I am logged in with AdminAccess Policy, so permissions is not an issue. I cannot create a support ticket as I am in basic plan. I saw in CloudTrail no history for Lambda is showing. Strangely cloud shell is also not starting up.

Please help, as it clearly looks like a UI Bug or some deep issue with AWS backend being corrupted. Some other users are also facing this issue.

errors error2 error3

asked a year ago328 views
1 Answer

I have checked both the Threads, they do not provide proper answer to the issue. The thread1 asks to change region, says the issue is transient and resolve in itself. I have already done that. In thread1 many are still complaining that they have similar issues. So thread1 is unsuccessful in resolution of the problem clearly.

Thread2 is not directly linked to my issue but still I have tested in other browsers and the issue remains the same.

My support plan is basic so I cannot make a support ticket either without paying additional money to buy higher support plans.

Hence please advise accordingly.

answered a year ago

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