npx sst deploy > admin-my-sst-app-MyStack failed: Error: There was an error bootstrapping your AWS account


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Prior to running npx sst deploy, I manually deleted all buckets in s3 and all stacks screenshots: (stacks:) (buckets:)

$ npx sst deploy
Look like you’re running sst for the first time in this directory. Please enter a stage name you’d like to use locally. Or hit enter to use the one based on your AWS credentials (admin):
Using stage: admin
Preparing your SST app

Deploying stacks
 ⏳  Bootstrapping environment aws://000820013532/us-east-1...
Trusted accounts for deployment: (none)
Trusted accounts for lookup: (none)
Using default execution policy of 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess'. Pass '--cloudformation-execution-policies' to customize.
CDKToolkit: creating CloudFormation changeset...
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.33 | REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | CDKToolkit User Initiated
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.40 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | CDKToolkit User Initiated
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.46 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion 
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.46 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole 
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.46 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository 
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.46 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole 
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.46 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.46 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole Resource creation Initiated
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole Resource creation Initiated
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole Resource creation Initiated
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudF
ormationExecutionRole cdk-hnb659fds-cfn-exec-role-000820013532-us-east-1 already exists
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole Resource creation cancelled
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.47 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole Resource creation cancelled
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.48 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket Resource creation cancelled
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.48 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository Resource creation cancelled
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.48 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole Resource creation cancelled
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.48 | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion Resource creation cancelled
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.48 | ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | C
DKToolkit The following resource(s) failed to create: [ImagePublishingRole, FilePubli
shingRole, CdkBootstrapVersion, LookupRole, StagingBucket, CloudFormationExecutionRole, ContainerAssetsRepository]. Rollback requested by user.
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole
CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole
CDKToolkit |  1/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole
CDKToolkit |  2/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository
CDKToolkit |  2/12 | 12.49.52 | DELETE_SKIPPED       | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket
CDKToolkit |  3/12 | 12.49.53 | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion
CDKToolkit |  4/12 | 12.49.53 | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole
CDKToolkit |  5/12 | 12.49.53 | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole
    at prepareAndExecuteChangeSet (C:\Users\sebas\WebstormProjects\market\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\api\deploy-stack.ts:385:13)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at C:\Users\sebas\WebstormProjects\market\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\cdk-toolkit.ts:575:24
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at CdkToolkit.bootstrap (C:\Users\sebas\WebstormProjects\market\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\cdk-toolkit.ts:572:5)
    at initCommandLine (C:\Users\sebas\WebstormProjects\market\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\cli.ts:341:12)

The stack named CDKToolkit failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted from the AWS console: ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: cdk-hnb659fds-cfn-exec-role-000820013532-us-east-1 already exists

 ❌  admin-my-sst-app-MyStack failed: Error: There was an error bootstrapping your AWS account.

Stack admin-my-sst-app-MyStack
  Status: failed
  Error: There was an error bootstrapping your AWS account.

Failed to deploy the app
asked 2 years ago1305 views
1 Answer

I figured it out, the issue was I already had a role with the same name as the one cdktoolkit was trying to create ... I think. After deleting the role from IAM it worked.

answered 2 years ago

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