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Does changing the storage type of RDS from Provisioned IOPS (io1) to General-purpose SSD (gp3) requires a reboot or downtime?


Hi Team,

We are planning to change the storage type of the RDS MySQL instance from Provisioned IOPS (io1) to General-purpose SSD (gp3), so could you please let me know if any reboot or downtime is required? What are the best options available to perform this operation?

The size of the server as of now is 200 GB.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


When using Multi-AZ instances, you can change storage types without downtime.
However, if you are operating in a single AZ, downtime will occur.

There's also no downtime when you change the storage type of a Multi-AZ DB instance between General Purpose (SSD) and Provisioned IOPS (SSD). However, there is downtime in the following scenarios:

  • From General Purpose (SSD) to Magnetic, or from Magnetic to General Purpose (SSD).
  • From Provisioned IOPS (SSD) to Magnetic, or from Magnetic to Provisioned IOPS (SSD).
  • From General Purpose (SSD) to Provisioned IOPS (SSD), but only if the DB instance is Single-AZ and you're using a custom parameter group.
  • From Provisioned IOPS (SSD) to General Purpose (SSD), but only if the DB instance is Single-AZ and you're using a custom parameter group.

Follow the steps in the document below to make the changes.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • My RDS is a Multi-AZ instance with a custom DB instance parameter group.

  • I have also verified the downtime when changing the storage type in the past, but in the case of RDS operating in multi-AZ, the change could be made without downtime, so I don't think there will be any problems. The following document states that there may be an impact on performance when changing the storage type, but when I tested it, there was no particularly large impact. This area is likely to change depending on the application using the database, so we recommend verifying it.

    The following system-related activities consume I/O capacity and might reduce DB instance performance while in progress:

    • Multi-AZ standby creation
    • Read replica creation
    • Changing storage types

There is no downtime when changing the storage type of the RDS MySQL instance from io1 to gp3.

answered a year ago

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