Getting a 401 when trying to access OpenSearch serverless dashboard


Trying out opensearch serverless, setup dataaccess policies, network policies, VPC endpoints and when trying to access Dashboard, I am receiving a 401.

Looking at Developer tools debug screen, I see the following as response hint, what network-policy-deny is this refering to ?

X-Aoss-Response-Hint: X01:network-policy-deny

  • how did you resolved? i'm also having same problem

asked 2 years ago7.7K views
4 Answers

If you are on public access, and your IAM has the right permission but you still cannot access dashboard, check if you have enabled "Access to Opensearch Dashboards", which is disabled by default. Here is how:

  1. Go to OpenSearch -> Collections, click into your serverless collection.
  2. Scroll down to Network part, click Manage network access -> click into network policy name, choose edit, scroll to the very bottom and click "Enable access to OpenSearch Dashboards", put your filters in.
answered a year ago
  • This did the trick!


Error 401 while accessing OpenSearch serverless dashboard generally occurs when you are a collection has VPC access type but you are trying to access it from the public internet. I kindly request you to check if the request to access dashboard is coming from the same VPC in which the collection is created.

For more details on network settings for OpenSearch serverless collection, I kindly request you to follow reference[1].

Please let me know If you are using VPC access type and sending the request through the same VPC and still facing this issue or have any other concerns/queries related to the same, please feel free to reach back to me and I will be glad to assist.

Reference: [1] Network access for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Hey Akash, I have a vectorsearch opensearch collection under the opensearch managed VPC endpoint. I have successfully created a collection defining all the required IAM permissions to the users that needs to access the collection, properly defined data access policy, network policy being private and using VPC endpoint id. But when I try to hit the dashboard URL, it is still giving me error 401. Do you have any idea why is that happening or any workaround on it? Is it not possible to hit the dashboard URL directly or do I need to place some kind of the proxy server in between?


I'm also facing the same issue and when i try to access it publicly i get 401 whereas within the vpc it is throwing 403.

answered a year ago

I'm also having these issues with a public access type. Further the OpenSearch Dashboards URL doesn't even show up.

answered a year ago

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