All EC2 instances slow down to very bad load times when a file is uploaded from local


EC2 AWS Ubuntu servers 4gb, 8gb, 1tb storage, very little on them. c6a.xlarge. If I upload a file to one server with FileZilla of about 100mb, ALL my EC2 instances become unresponsive. The AWS Dashboard control panel becomes unresponsive and either times out or loads after many seconds and if does only a fraction of what should be there is not loaded and visible eg monitoring. As does any web site. As does any AWS "EC2 Instance Connect" Terminal. After file is uploaded all is back to normal. What a joke. Working with AWS after a year has been the worst experience ever. $800/m with no support for garbage.

asked 13 days ago57 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

As does any web site

Do this mean that it's not just AWS things that slow down and becomes unresponsive? For example, if you're watching a YouTube video at the same time as uploading 100MB file from your device to the EC2 instance, the video will freeze or get very jerky and stop-start? And then once the upload is complete, the video plays as normal, and the AWS Console and all your EC2 instances are responsive again?

it could be that uploading is consuming all of your available bandwidth for the duration of the upload. Are you on a particularly slow connection?

Try throttling your upload speed on FileZilla and see if that helps

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answered 13 days ago
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reviewed 10 days ago

Hi, there are a lot of possible opportunities for your optimization based on how the EC2 Instances are designed, where the EC2 Instances are provisioned, how storage works with AWS. Initially, you might want to move your EC2 Instances to a region closest to your location. You might want to utilize S3 as well as storage gateway solutions. If you want to proceed with an FTP Solution, then probably AWS EFS would give you better latency. I can't actually provide a better solution without knowing how the ec2 instances are interconnected and what they do individually. So I am just providing a couple of options that you can consider for optimization.

I hope the links below can be of help to you.

answered 13 days ago

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