OpenSearch Serverless - Search OCUs are too high


What metrics are used to trigger scaling more OCUs for the search capacity?

I'm currently testing the OpenSearch Serverless with a single timeseries collection with a total size of 70GiB, and mainly using it for ingesting logs. I do make some search queries but those are negligible. I don't understand why it is scaling the same amount of OCUs (7) for indexing as for searching.

Indexing Capacity

Ingestion and Search

asked 2 years ago1K views
2 Answers

Hi, this page details the algorithms to scale OCUs up & down. It also details how to limit them if you wish:

When you create your first collection, OpenSearch Serverless instantiates a total of four OCUs 
(two for indexing and two for search). These OCUs always exist, even when there's no indexing 
or search activity. All subsequent collections can share these OCUs (except for collections with 
unique AWS KMS keys, which instantiate their own set of four OCUs). If needed, OpenSearch 
Serverless automatically scales out and adds additional OCUs as your indexing and search 
usage grows. When traffic on your collection endpoint decreases, capacity scales back down 
to the minimum number of OCUs required for your data size. At most, it will scale down to 
2 OCUs for indexing and 2 OCUs for search.
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Yeah, that's the thing. I'm not using search and the search OCUs do not scale down. Don´t understand why they are that high in the first place.

answered 2 years ago

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