Newer version of UI not showing



I had my frontend container running and I could see the first version on the registered domain. However, I deleted now the image in ECR for the container which had provisioned the website views so far in order replace it by a newer version. Although I updated the reference in the container in lightsail, it is still showing the old version's UI. I also already restarted the instance without any success. I don't see any changes necessary in Route 53 as I really only switched the images in ECR. I would appreciate any hint to resolve this issue. Thank you very much

  • Can you please clarify whether you're using Ligthsail Container Service or you run your own custom container execution engine directly on your Lightsail instance?

asked a month ago235 views
1 Answer


Have you tried clearing the cache?
If the front-end UI is not updated, there may be some cache left in the browser or PC.
Also, double check that your container image has the latest code.

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answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago
  • Thank you. Yes, I deleted the cache in one browser and I also checked the UI resulting from the dist directory and it does show the new version. Still, what I'm seeing is the old version on my public domain.

  • I feel like I'm running an old container image. For example, can I connect to the container in Lightsail using the "docker exec" command and check whether the correct source code is reflected?

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