Lightsail TXT Records Not Propagating


Hi all,

I run a small business website via Lightsail. It's been running for about a year with no issue. I recently went in to update the SSL certificate and when I created new TXT records to prove domain ownership I was unable to get them to propagate. And additionally, the existing TXT records we also not coming up when checking using mxtoolbox or whatsmydns.


I am only hosting 1 site I am not using Route53

When I lookup MX records or my A record they come up just fine.

The domain is hosted at Godaddy and I've verified the nameservers are correct in godaddy

My process for updating the Lightsail domain is Log in to lightsail dashboard Go to Domains & DNS I see 1 DNS Zone (global), I choose it and select Manage I go to DNS Records, Add Record, Select TXT

For record name value I enter: For value I enter the string provided to me by certbot Hit Save

I've waited a few hours, in the past I have only had to wait minutes. And given that the previously existing TXT records are also not visible when I check for them, I don't think simply waiting longer for propagation is a solution.

Given that it's been running fine I'm hoping that some sort of AWS update has changed the way I need to have all this configured, but I've been searching an I'm unable to find any info on that.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks Dan

  • Hi Dan,

    Those TXT records should be exposed globally. It is interesting that your A and MX records work as expected. Have you tried adding an additional record and seeing if it propagates properly? e.g. Just adding a custom CNAME or random A record and see if that is globally resolvable.

asked 2 years ago699 views
4 Answers

Can you check because i am able to get the responce here is the screenshot

Enter image description here

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answered 2 years ago


I think you are adding everything name provided by the provider are you sure you are doing like the example below ?

Enter image description here

Easy way you can use google DNS to verify the DNS

Thanks GK

profile picture
answered 2 years ago

Yes, my record looks like what you've suggested. See below. I put in a dummy value of course in the screen shot

Enter image description here

answered 2 years ago

Hi Dan,

This looks to be resolving correctly using external tools. Was there a specific change that you made?

To go back to the root cause, verification of the new cert, I understand that some providers/tools with "rotate" of require a new TXT record value for each validation. If you are still not getting the validation and I would check in certbot (or any other means) to verify that the TXT record value is correct.

answered 2 years ago

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