Unable to administer active directory with Simple AD - Computer not joined to a domain


Following the guidance from Directory Service Administration guide

  1. I have created a new Simple AD Directory
  2. Launched an Windows Server EC2 instance
  3. Installed the Remote Server Administration Tools
  4. Updated the server DNS to point to my directory DNS IPs
  5. Successfully joined the server to my directory domain

I'm trying to add my first user to the directory following the guidance from Create a Simple AD User.

When I launch Active Directory Administration Tools, I receive the following error message: "Your account or computer is not joined to any domain. Join to a domain and try again."

Prior to joining the domain, I can add the prerequisite Server Features required for active directory user management. But after the domain membership, I am unable to view those features from the server features and roles window.

However, I am able to run the following command and see the required features are installed on my EC2 server:

Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "RSAT*"}

I'm at an impasse now trying to follow the directory administration guide to manage uesrs in my directory service. I don't see how I can RDP to the server using a domain administrator account without first being able to create my active directory users. And I've tried RDP connecting using the directory Administrator credential and password to no avail.

asked 2 months ago344 views
1 Answer


In order to manage Simple AD, we need to follow the below steps after deploying the Simple AD.

a] Launch an EC2 instance

b] Update the DNS server to use Simple AD DNS

c] Domain join the EC2 instance to the Simple AD using the Administrator account of Simple AD https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/simple_ad_join_windows_instance.html

d] Install the Active Directory Administration Tools https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/simple_ad_install_ad_tools.html

Once the above steps are completed you can follow the below article to create AD users https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/simple_ad_manage_users_groups_create_user.html

Password for the Administrator account is set during simple AD creation. If the Administrator password is not available then you can reset the administrator password from AWS directory services console. Please refer the below doc for the complete https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/simple_ad_manage_users_groups_reset_password.html

If you still face any issues, please reach out to AWS support team for further assistance.

Thank you and have a great day!

answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks for sharing. When I get to step D] Installing the Active Directory Administration Tools, my server does not present the required features after I join the Simple AD domain. I am able to get around the GUI and install the features via Powershell commands, and can verify the features are installed with the Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "RSAT*"} command.

    My problem is the error message I receive when I try to launch the Active Directory Administration Tools app: "Your account or computer is not joined to any domain. Join to a domain and try again."

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