The power status of my deeplens, after the boot will always flash the yellow light


Hello, the power status of my deeplens keeps flashing yellow after turning on the power, and will keep flashing yellow even after turning the machine back on, then I can access the ssh awscam inside the deeplens through cmd, is there any command to type? My project can be deployed to deeplens, but when I click view video stream, I can't enter the website smoothly, I think it should be related to the situation of flashing yellow light above.

asked 2 years ago395 views
1 Answer


The power LED (yellow light) usually continues to flash if the deeplens device is in factory reset mode where the deeplens firmware is about to be re-flashed into the device. In your case, this can be due to the device being in an inconsistent state during the factory reset process. To address this behavior, kindly attempt restoring the device to factory settings [1]. You will need to download the respective firmware based on whether you are using deeplens V1 or V1.1, and proceed with the flashing process as detailed in the guide. You will also see a terminal flash on the screen, however no user input is required on the terminal.

Once the factory reset is complete, the LED will stop flashing and you will be able to use the device. Hope I answered the question properly, if not please reach out to AWS Support[2] (Deeplens), along with your issue/use case in detail and share relevant AWS resource names.


[1] Restoring your AWS DeepLens device to Factory Settings [2] Creating a Support case

answered 2 years ago

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