We have a Specific need from a customer to port customer service number to AWS Pinpoint instead of using 10DLC


We have a Specific need from a customer to port customer service number to AWS Pinpoint instead of using 10DLC

This customer service number has been configured on Twilio is there any way number portability is supported?

FYI This existing number has been published in many documents/websites over the years - so setting up a new phone number is not an option.

Also share Product owner contact for Pinpoint service so we can discuss future scenarios and needs.

asked 7 months ago218 views
1 Answer

You should be opening a support case - and work with support on issues such as this, by opening a support case at: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support

This is not an issue that you can receive assistance for on re:Post.

answered 7 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago

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