Lifecycle Manger - Issue with Snapshot Management Post Instance Termination


I am using Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to manage EBS snapshots in my deployment. Snapshots are created on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis based on the disks. Everything works correctly as long as the instance from which snapshots are created exists. However, when the instance is terminated and the disk as well, the snapshots created for this instance stop being managed by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager. Is this behavior consistent with the intended functionality?

1 Answer

This seems to be the expected behavior. Please find below the excerpt from documentation:

The following considerations apply to deleting volumes or terminating instances targeted by snapshot lifecycle policies:

  • If you delete a volume or terminate an instance targeted by a policy with a count-based retention schedule, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager no longer manages snapshots in the standard tier and archive tier that were created from the deleted volume or instance. You must manually delete those earlier snapshots if they are no longer needed.
  • If you delete a volume or terminate an instance targeted by a policy with an age-based retention schedule, the policy continues to delete snapshots from the standard tier and archive tier that were created from the deleted volume or instance on the defined schedule, up to, but not including, the last snapshot. You must manually delete the last snapshot if it is no longer needed.

Please refer - for more details

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answered 7 days ago
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reviewed 6 days ago

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