elastic beanstalk domain is not resolving


Health status of my elastic beanstalk application is Ok. I am using an application load balancer which is set in the EB configuration. But when I try to open the domain, it times out every single time, it's getting very annoying. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong in the logs.

The domain is: http://studyspot5.eu-central-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/

I am at a complete loss of where to begin troubleshooting this. The app opens just fine on my localhost.

asked 9 months ago527 views
1 Answer

The site seems to open just fine for me. Maybe you just need to flush your browser/DNS cache?

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
  • So you see "hello world. welcome to studyspot" ?? That's crazy.. I have been trying for hours and it just times out. Tried dnsflush, release/renew, still nothing.

  • Hi, Luca is correct. I tried myself and see "Hello, world. Welcome to Studyspot"

  • +1, I see the welcome message too.

    The URL is prefixed with http:// , are you using a browser that forces the use of HTTPS by redirecting every URL to https:// ?

    Do you have a device with a separate internet connection, e.g. your phone using data instead of wifi, and does this give a different result?

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