Extended Support RDS MYSQL 5.7 opt-in nowhere to be found


Hi Everyone,

I've received an email around july or august regarding Version MYSQL 5.7 deprecated by end of february and if want to extend the support need to opt-in starting 1 Dec

but till now on my AWS Health Dashboard , i still not seeing any option to opt-in this extended support as per email said ( which today 12/12/2023) , so what should i do? do i keep waiting? or i need to apply a technical support to get AWS reply?

anybody have same problem?


  • I have the same problem, I'm waiting to for a notification from AWS.

asked 10 months ago323 views
1 Answer


You will now be automatically enrolled in Amazon RDS Extended Support starting February 29, 2024.
This means that you do not need to opt-in and will be automatically enrolled in Extended Support, so if you cannot afford to incur Extended Support fees, please upgrade your DB version.

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answered 10 months ago

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