Filtering Recipient Emails to Reduce Bounce Rate and tracking Email Opens and Engagement with SES


Hi all,

I am working on a project to implement an email system to notify 1 million users about their water bills. After reviewing the documentation, I see that SES can meet this requirement. However, I have a few questions about the SES service that I hope you can clarify.

I need to know if SES has a way to filter recipient emails to avoid sending a large number of emails to non-existent addresses, which would increase the bounce rate when sending emails through SES. If SES does not support this, do you have any solutions based on your experience?

I need to know if SES has a way to verify that the recipient has received and opened the email. Since this is a water bill notification email, I need to ensure that users receive and read the email rather than it ending up in spam or being missed. If SES does not support this, do you have any solutions based on your experience?

I hope to hear your ideas soon

Thanks, Steven

asked a month ago33 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


AWS SES has mechanism to handle high bounce rate: see

You should incrementally implement those to raise the quality of your mailing list.

Also, this KC article will give you recipes to manage opens:



profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed 18 days ago

I need to know if SES has a way to filter recipient emails to avoid sending a large number of emails to non-existent addresses, which would increase the bounce rate when sending emails through SES. If SES does not support this, do you have any solutions based on your experience?

Email senders are expected to confirm the opt-in preference from the person who will be receiving the messages. If the sender doesn't know that the address exists, then it hasn't been confirmed. Please read:

You may use the Account Level Suppression List to prevent future sending to addresses that bounce. Please read:

I need to know if SES has a way to verify that the recipient has received and opened the email. Since this is a water bill notification email, I need to ensure that users receive and read the email rather than it ending up in spam or being missed. If SES does not support this, do you have any solutions based on your experience?

Since engagement tracking involves the user's email client (Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail, etc) loading an invisible image, it is common for many clients to not load images, or the client or mailbox provider will intentionally load the pixel to protect the privacy of their users. There is no way to guarantee that a person has opened and read an email message. You should use other engagement signals: has the person paid their bill, did the person click on a link in the email, did the person login to look at their bill, etc.

answered a month ago

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