Currently my database has a weight of approximately 4 GB. In the storage capacity of the RDS instance is 710 GiB, the problem is that every 2 - 3 days the available space in the instance is consumed but the DB only increases a few kb. Then we have to upload 10% of GiB to the instance. We already disabled automatic backups and snapshots and we still don't need help to know exactly which configuration the space ends.

1 Answer


There could be several reasons for your database to run out of storage. The DB storage is used for the following

  • Temporary tables or files that are created by PostgreSQL transactions
  • Data files
  • Write ahead logs (WAL logs)
  • Replication slots
  • DB logs (error files) that are retained for too long
  • Other DB or Linux files that support the consistent state of the RDS DB instance

If your DB instance is still consuming more storage than expected, check for the following:

  • Size of the DB log files
  • Presence of temporary files
  • Constant increase in transaction logs disk usage
  • Replication slot:
  • Physical replication slots are created by cross-Region read replicas or same-Region read replicas only if they are running on PostgreSQL 14.1 and higher versions
  • Logical replication slots are created for a replica or subscriber
  • Bloat or improper removal of dead rows
  • Presence of orphaned files

You can utilize Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your DB storage space using the FreeStorageSpace metric. When you set a CloudWatch alarm for free storage space, you receive a notification when the space starts to decrease. If you receive an alarm, review the causes of storage issues mentioned previously.

More details can be found in the below AWS blog:

Hope this helps.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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