Voicemail recording is "choppy" when using "Sample SCV Voicemail Subflow" contact flow.


Using Salesforce's Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect and implementing the Salesforce voicemail solution (not using the AWS Voicemail Expressv2 solution).

Standard call recordings (audio) sounds fine, however the voicemail recordings are very choppy (sounds like Max Headroom) and difficult for agents to hear / understand. The voicemail Voice Call record is created in Salesforce just fine ... it's the just quality of the voicemail recording (audio) causing the issue.

We're using the "Sample SCV Voicemail Subflow" contact flow and simply calling it from our main contact flow. The Start media streaming block has only the "From the customer" option selected.

We listened to the wav file directly from the S3 bucket and the audio is choppy there too, so we don't believe it's Salesforce-related.

Any advice on resolving or troubleshooting this issue?

  • Could you define what you mean by choppy? Like was it cutting out or in? or was the call just sounds like it was coming from a soda can?

asked a year ago246 views
1 Answer

On the "Set Recording and Analytics Behavior" block in the voicemail flow make sure the Call Recording is set to "Customer Only" and not "Agent and Customer". That fixed it for us.

answered a year ago

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