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AWS SDK C++20 Support


Hey all, we are running into an issue when upgrading our engine from Unreal 5.2-5.3 where it is not compiling seemingly because of the way C++20 handles header includes and possibly other features. Is there any ETA on when we can expect support for it?

Thanks in Advance

asked a year ago616 views
1 Answer

Hi, Thank you for posting your query. We are sorry to hear about the issues you are facing with using our Unreal plugin for the C++ SDK, however, at this point that plugin only supports UE5.1.1. We are actively working on adding updates to our SDK and plugin to add support for UE5.2 and will make sure to update this thread when we have it ready. To help us test and validate for this particular issue, can you share some more details on the error?

Thanks, Sachin Gupta, PM Amazon GameLift

answered a year ago

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